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The pincode of KRHigh School BO, Bettiah, West Champaran, Bihar is The post office KRHigh School BO is located in town or taluk Bettiah in district West Champaran, BiharSt Xavier's Higher Secondary School, Bettiah is a Senior Secondary Catholic school, established in 1998 and administered by the members of the Society of Jesus, (Jesuit fathers) a group of men dedicated to God’s greater glory through the service of humanityAbout St Joseph's School St Joseph's school Bettiah is a Catholic Minority Institution managed by Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross, North East Province The Congregation was founded in Switzerland, in 1856 by Fr Theodosius Florentini OFM Cap St Josephs School Dargha Mohalla Bettiah Admission Fee Affiliation K.r. high school bettiah photos